With both a climate change and energy crisis, is it not time that all business stepped up to mark and did more?

Last Friday night, after 11pm, I travelled from Watford Junction along St Albans Road and past Garston Park Parade. I counted no less than 47 closed shops or businesses (on just one side of the road!) that either had neon lights on or shop windows fully lit or indeed both.

Not only is this a waste of electricity and a burden on the National Grid, but it is light pollution and also affects natural habitats at night. Of course the electricity bills get paid, but as costs go up that extra is passed on, I suspect to us!

Worst offenders were estate agents, with in some cases every property on display lit up with a separate. Ok many of these no doubt were LED lights, but it all counts. Sorry, but no-one is looking in a shop window to see house details at 11pm at night!

I am asking council officers to see how we encourage or persuade business to do there bit to turn their lights off at night at a reasonable hour.

Come on, do your bit.

Cllr Stephen Giles-Medhurst.

Three Rivers and Hertfordshire County Councillor