CHILDREN’S Services at Hillingdon Council have been judged as one of the best in England, following an Outstanding Ofsted report released today (20).

Inspectors visiting Hillingdon in October praised council staff for being excellent champions for children, families and young people.

The report recognised the increased demand for services in the borough but commended the strengthening and improving of practices.

It added: “Social workers are skilled, experienced and ambitious for children, who they know well and visit regularly.

![They] are committed and proud of their roles in their lives, talking with warmth and knowledge about them.” 

Inspectors praised the effective leadership of chief executive Tony Zaman, who spent eight years as Director of Children’s Services.

Since its last Ofsted report in 2018,  Hillingdon has introduced a Stronger Families hub which offers early help and out-of-hours support.

The report lists also recommends some minor areas of improvement for services to care leavers and for 16- and 17-year-olds who present as homeless.  

You can view the full report here