Welcome to the Community Engagement Forum.

This site was established for all residents of the North Area of Hillingdon these include Northwood, Northwood Hills, Eastcote and East Ruislip, Harefield, Ickenham, Ruislip Manor, Cavendish, South Ruislip and West Ruislip.

This site is primarily about your local Safer Neighbourhoods Teams. There are 6 officers dedicated to an electoral ward, each consist of one Police Sergeant, two Police Constables and three Police Community Support Officers.

Safer Neighbourhoods is a truly local policing style: local people working with local police and partners to identify and tackle issues of concern in their neighbourhoods. In order to express your feelings regarding community issues and thoughts about your local Safer Neighbourhoods Teams please feel free to use the Community Engagement Forum.

"Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all the North Area Safer Neighbourhoods Teams."