TORTOISE owners are being warned to start planning ahead for their pet's hibernation which usually takes place next month or November.

Animal charity PDSA is advising pet owners to take their tortoise to the vet for a pre-hibernation check to make sure they are in prime condition.

A spokesman said: "The two biggest problems with hibernation are when an unfit tortoise hibernates and when there is inadequate protection during hibernation – this is where an owner can ensure that the hibernation is as risk-free as possible."

Tortoises should be encouraged to drink before hibernation and a pre-hibernation period of four weeks or more without food is recommended for an average sized tortoise.

They should also be weighed to check they are the correct weight for hibernation and to make sure they have enough body fat to act as a food reserve.

The maximum length for hibernation should be about 12 to 14 weeks and should not exceed 20 weeks.