With National Men's Health Week just around the corner, Paul Leat becomes a pioneer for his sex and puts his best feet forward for reflexology.

EVERY woman knows that getting the man in their life to look after their body is a battle they can never win. They may be perfectly happy to do a bit of exercise or play sport every now and then, but rarely will you see a man indulging in a bit of clinical therapy.

Next week is National Men's Health Week and a reflexologist has taken up the challenge to persuade men of the benefits of body pampering.

Hilary Dowling is a registered member of the International Institute of Reflexology, an organisation that trains practitioners using the original Ingham method of reflexology.

Mrs Dowling works at the Lotus Centre, in Bourne End, Bucks, which also offers massage and chiropractic treatments.

She said: "Men are notoriously bad at looking after themselves and I want to encourage them to think about the upkeep of their health.

"They need to realise the importance of their health and do something about it before it is too late."

Reflexology is not just a beauty treatment or a fancy foot massage, it is a clinical therapy that can help to relax and calm, and improve blood circulation.

It has also been known to help relieve symptoms of many common health conditions.

Mrs Dowling is now encouraging women to drag their partners in for a session at their local reflexologist.

She said: "Reflexology is not painful, it is actually very relaxing.

"It can help with hay fever, muscular aches, pros-tate problems and stress."

"I think once most men give it a try they will be pleasantly surprised."

However, Mrs Dowling admits getting a man to the session in the first place is the biggest challenge.

She said: "I think the whole idea is something very alien to men.

"Very few men come for treatment, and those that do are usually only there because their wife has made them."

The International Institute of Reflexology was set up over 50 years ago, following re-search by Eunice Ingham, an American therapist who produced foot and hand reflexology charts demonstrating the link between reflex points.

She taught a unique way of using thumbs and fingers on these points.

It has become one of the most popular therapies in the UK and complements orthodox medicine.

For more information on reflexology, or to book an appointment, call Hilary on 01628 524050