POTHOLE repairs and road resurfacing across Hillingdon are about to be revolutionised.

Hillingdon Council is switching to a more efficient and cost-effective system.

New road-mending material will help prolong the life of the borough’s roads and is a more environmentally conscious method of repair.

The system uses a fast-setting waterproof liquid called Elastomac, which is quicker to instal and roads can be reopened just 10 minutes after the repair.

The system uses 80 per cent less energy than traditional asphalt repairs, 85 per cent less carbon and halves the overall costs of repairs.

The transition should mean less disruption for residents and road users.

Cllr Jonathan Bianco, Cabinet Member for Property, Highways and Transport, said: “This is exactly the sort of innovative approach to tackling an out-dated process we’re adopting.

“This repair system uses recycled materials, reduces time, energy, costs and the council’s carbon footprint, while also minimising disruption to the network for road users.

“It will also enable us to tackle smaller repairs quickly, before they become more problematic.”

Elastomac is made from 70 per cent recycled materials, including road surface shavings and car tyres.

This is poured directly into a pothole with no need to widen it, no compaction needed and there’s no waste to remove as there are no excavations.

The new system will come into operation this October.