HILLINGDON COUNCIL has undertaken a review of its children’s centre programme and is using feedback from families and partners to inform a new approach to delivering some services.

Children’s centres provide a variety of valuable support to families in Hillingdon, including child health clinics, parenting classes, adult learning classes, information, advice and guidance, specialised family support, breastfeeding advice, and stay and play sessions.

The service is currently delivered through a variety of different providers, but from April 2017 the council will assume direct responsibility for managing all of the centres.

The new model will respond to residents expressed need for a more coordinated approach to the provision of family support services.   

The proposed changes will see the programme delivered through 16 children’s centre sites, with five lead children’s centres co-ordinating 11 other linked centres.

The lead centres or ‘hubs’ will also develop networks of related services across the borough.

The new model does not include the centres located at Uxbridge College, Hayes Campus and Hillside Primary School in Northwood.

The landlords for these sites have declined to agree leases so the council is looking at alternative ways in which residents can continue to be supported in those areas.

The consultation will include how to best achieve this for the communities involved, including access to other centres nearby.

Hillingdon Council is now asking residents for feedback on its proposal for change.  

David Simmonds, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services said: “It is essential that we listen to feedback from parents and staff when reviewing council services.

“Families have told us that they value the family support we offer. Within the proposed new model, the children’s centre programme will continue to provide high quality support to residents whilst also playing an enhanced role in working with other agencies to develop local family support services.”

You can your say in the consultation from Wednesday 14 December to 25 January, please visit: www.hillingdon.gov.uk/haveyoursay