Cherry Lane cemetery is the only functioning cemetery in this part of the Borough of Hillingdon and people continue to be buried there daily. Additionally, the cemetery is always awash with relatives and friends who have loved ones buried there, and it is obvious from the state of the graves, that much love and attention is given, and comfort derived.

BAA have released plans with "indicative" plans showing a dual carriage way being built through Cherry Lane Cemetery.

The Consultation period ended in February, which was months before relatives in the borough (and surrounding localities) knew about the threat to the cemetery and so were unable to raise objections to proposal

The destruction of any part of a cemetery is sacrilegious but especially one that is currently in use, is disrespectful, outrageous and immoral, and says very little about the society that condones it.

We have formed a committee called Cherry Lane Against Development whose mission is to communicate these indicative plans to the local community and to stop these plans from ever happening. We have a public meeting to discuss this issue on the 19th November 2008 730pm, at the Immaculate Heart Of Mary Church, Botwell Lane Hayes Middlesex. Please sign the on line petition to show your support against these plans